Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Day 33/May 3 -- my longest hike yet

Miles hiked: 23.94 in 9:19

Start: Route 522, Front Royal, VA

Finish: Rod Hollow Shelter, Fisher Hill, VA

Elevation gain:  4,436'

Much easier hiking than the previous days; while there were still some good hills, there was lot of easy flat sections, too, so I could motor along.   

I swear this guy was moving faster than me:

My first and only red newt, aka salamander sighting:

The most interesting footprint that I've ever seen. Does anyone know what animal made these?

That's my hike wallet on the ground for some size comparison. 

And from time to time, you just run into the most beautiful looking section of trail:

Large rock covered with lichen and moss--really stood out due to the color contrast:

Route from my Suunto.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a raccoon.

    Thanks for the updates! Nice system, I get updates by e-mail, don't have to go looking.

    Hang in there...
